4 new books illustrated with Fritzing

Four new books are making intensive use of circuit layouts created with Fritzing:

“Arduino: Praxiseinstieg”, by Thomas Brühlmann (mltp, German)

“Beginning Arduino”, by Michael McRoberts (Apress)

“Building Wireless Sensor Networks”, by Rob Faludi (O’Reilly)

“Praxisbuch Arduino”, by Ulli Sommer (Franzis, German)

Fritzing in Books

They are using breadboard diagrams, schematics, and part graphics to illustrate examples and guide the learner throughout the book. Some even offer the related Fritzing .fz files for download from their website.

We’re very proud to see Fritzing becoming a de-facto standard for documentation and teaching!


P.S.: Unfortunately, not all of them are making fair use–one forgot to reference Fritzing. This is required by our CreativeCommons license, and we think that’s the least a publisher can do when building on our work!

Comments from the old Blog:

  1. Thomas O'Brien # 30. Jan. 2011, 17:15 I have the "Wireless Sensor Networks" book, and have started reading it. I like the writing and explanatory style. It seems that just about everything is there to help me get going with a wireless network application. Now if Fritzing Fab would just get started...
  2. BobAnderson # 3. Feb. 2011, 05:25 I am sorry that some publishers have not referenced Fritzing --- most unfair, if not illegal. On the other hand, I found out about Fritzing from a reference (a live link actually) in the arduino.cc site. My plan is to use Fritzing for a while and if I find it as useful as I expect I will, I shall express my appreciation with a financial donation.