A few weeks ago we had the great honor and pleasure to travel far North to the Umeå Institute of Design in Sweden. We were invited by Camille Moussette to participate in their second Interaction Design Summit, as speakers as well as to give a two-day Fritzing workshop. It was an amazing experience and luckily the guys were keen on documenting everything that was happening.
On the first day, we had a series of inspiring talks from renowned pracititioners in the field of interaction design. Besides Reto Wettach and me, there were talks form German Leon (Vodafone), David Rose (Ambient Devices/Vitality), Jan-Christoph Zoels (Experientia), Karsten Schmidt (toxi/postspectacular) and Clive van Heerden (Philips Design). You can watch all the talks on Vimeo.
After that we held a two day long Fritzing workshop with more than thirty students from all over Sweden (and Canada, apparently..). On the first day, we gave an introduction to Arduino and Fritzing, and students gathered in groups to come up with some simple projects. On the second day, we taught them how to translate their circuits into PCB designs. Finally, we got our hands dirty and everyone etched, drilled, and soldered their own Arduino Shield, complete with fancy graphics.
You can find a lot of nice photos from the event here and here.
Thanks to Camille Moussette, Matt Cottam, and all the students and participants for this great experience!