Fritzing participated this year at the Open Hardware Summit for the first time! It was such a great event! We had the feeling everyone we knew, or once talked to or even heard of was there!
It was also so cool that the MIT hosted the event this year, the organisation was perfect and the venue very nice. The talks were very inspiring, but most of the exciting stuff and the interesting conversations happened in the corridor outside where the demos and posters were shown.
It’s so impressive to see how well people from the “scene” know each others, and how everyone shares very specific details on their designs and businesses so openly. In other industries this would be a well protected “trade secret” but not in here!
It was also very refreshing to have so many makers who want to go professional come to us and benefit from our experience in going from shipping 20 kits a month to more than a thousand. We showed on our poster the key elements of an ERP system and how to implement one. What to take care of and how to do it right.
We also had so many long time fritzing users pass by and give us some feedback.
We are still on the go in the US, expect a few follow-up posts in the next few days.